Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein Has Requested A Meeting With Senate Intelligence Leaders Over Comey

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Fresh on the heels of a report claiming he threatened to quit after his letter was cited as the reason for James Comey’s firing, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has requested a meeting with the Senate Intelligence Committee. Specifically, notes the Politico story, Rosenstein wanted face time with chairman Richard Burr (R-North Carolina) and vice-chairman Mark Warner (D-Virginia). The precise nature of the meeting remains unknown, as it will be held behind closed doors, though the timing indicates the Comey firing and Rosenstein’s scapegoat status are likely topics.

In the initial White House statement, the “clear recommendations of both Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions” were pinpointed as the primary reasons for Trump’s decision to remove Comey from his post. Subsequent comments made by spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders and other administration officials repeatedly named Rosenstein as a main catalyst — something the well-regarded federal prosecutor took issue with when he reportedly threatened to resign.

Whether Rosenstein made his request directly to the Senate Intelligence Committee, or through official channels at the Justice Department remains unknown, Politico adds. Since he “arrived with a security detail” at the group’s offices Thursday morning, however, that the meeting is happening is an established fact. And judging by the details mentioned above, it’s a sure bet that Rosenstein is not happy about the way things turned out.

(Via Politico)