Al Franken Canceled His Planned Appearance On ‘Real Time With Bill Maher’ After The ‘N-Word’ Incident

Last week, Bill Maher came under fire for using the “N-word” in a (supposedly) joking manner during his HBO show Real Time With Bill Maher. He was immediately roasted from all angles because of the decision, with some people coming out to defend him and others lambasting his seeming insistence that he had the right to say that word because it was part of a humorous – or “humorous” – exchange. HBO has since released a statement about the exchange and Maher himself apologized. But that doesn’t mean the fallout is over.

Senator Al Franken, who was scheduled to appear on the show, has released a statement canceling his appearance and expressing disappointment in his friend’s decision. According to The Huffington Post, Franken’s team released the following:

“Senator Franken believes that what Bill Maher said was inappropriate and offensive, which is why he made the decision not to appear on the next episode of Real Time. He was glad to see Bill, who the Senator considers to be a good friend, apologize and express sincere regret for his comment.”

Franken is currently in the middle of a press tour on behalf of his latest book, and HBO has not yet named a replacement guest for this week’s show.

(via The Huffington Post)