Hannity And Donald Trump Jr. Share A Victory Lap While Insisting That Comey’s Testimony ‘Exonerated’ Trump

Sean Hannity and Donald Trump Jr. had the time of their lives (as revealed in three Fox News clips) following James Comey’s bombshell Senate testimony, in which he meticulously painted a portrait of impropriety regarding President Trump’s behavior during their interactions. The former FBI director also practically dared Trump to produce tapes (“lordy!”) of their conversations because he knew they wouldn’t reveal anything good for the president. However, Hannity and Don Jr. — who tweeted up a storm during the event — firmly believe that Comey’s testimony has cleared Trump’s name.

In the above clip, Don Jr. bragged, “When the Dow hits another all-time record right during the testimony, you know he’s been exonerated.” (Did they watch the same televised event as everyone else?) Like his brother Eric did earlier this week with Hannity, Don Jr. attacked his father’s critics: “The left has overplayed their hand so much. It’s been so ridiculous, so over-the-top, so extreme.” Yet Don Jr. claims to be perfectly “happy” to watch this all go down. “It’s just going to make 2020 that much easier,” he reasoned.

In the below clip, both men gloss over all of the Comey revelations, including the most important one of all — that Comey leaked his own memos (including the one about Trump pressuring him to drop the Flynn probe) in the hopes that this would prompt a special counsel. Even though the desired result was achieved, Don Jr. believes, “This is the only thing that they had on Trump.” Never mind the entire Russia thing, right? Yet Don Jr. feels like his family’s nightmare is over now, and his dad can go back to #MAGA and forging some fine deals for the U.S.: “There’s no clouds, there’s nothing in his way, they can’t be obstructionist.”

In this last clip, Don Jr. crows that Comey has ruined his credibility after “probably an illustrious career.” Taking in all of this denial in at once, on top of the full impact of Comey’s testimony, is almost overwhelming to witness.

(Via Fox News)