Donald Trump Jr. Appears To Confirm James Comey’s Claim That His Dad Pressured Him To End The Flynn Probe

One month ago, James Comey alleged — in a memo that he leaked to a friend and which eventually led to the appointment of a special counsel — that President Trump pressured him to end the Michael Flynn investigation. During the initial firestorm wrought by the memo, Donald Trump Jr. grew defensive after seemingly tweet-confirming Comey’s account, but guess what? During a Saturday night visit with Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro on Fox News, Don Jr. seemed to support Comey’s account again.

While testifying to the Senate, Comey confirmed reports about the Flynn conversation (which prompted Corey Lewandowski to insult Comey’s manhood for using a friend to leak the memo). In response, Trump lawyer Marc Kasowitz denied that Trump pressured or suggested that Comey should drop any investigation. Yet Don Jr. told Pirro that there’s never any ambiguity in what his dad does, and he appeared to back up the memo’s rendition of how Trump pressured Comey to cut Flynn some slack:

“When I hear the Flynn comments, you know my father a long time. When he tells you to do something, guess what? There’s no ambiguity in it, there’s no, ‘Hey, I’m hoping.’ You and I are friends: ‘Hey, I hope this happens, but you’ve got to do your job.’ That’s what he told Comey. And for this guy as a politician to then go back and write a memo: ‘Oh, I felt threatened.’ He felt so threatened — but he didn’t do anything.”

Don Jr. also declared that everything in the Comey testimony was “basically ridiculous,” which was at least consistent with his victory lap while visiting with Sean Hannity. The two men were thrilled that #ComeyDay “exonerated” Trump, presumably because they think that the entire Russia investigation will now go away. Not so much, and Jeff Sessions (who canceled his upcoming appearance for the Senate Appropriations Committee) is due to testify on Tuesday for the Senate Intelligence Committee (although it could be a closed session). Will he show up and/or perjure himself again?

Whether or not Don Jr. realized how his words would be construed, he felt pretty solid about this Perro interview. After the judge tweeted out a clip, he retweeted it while remarking, “Good times.”

Oh, and President Trump tweeted about “cowardly” Comey this morning, which was business as usual.