Do You Want To Hear Larry King Say The F-Word Eight Times In 60 Seconds?

Carrie Keagan is the host of VH1’s Big Morning Buzz Live and the author of Everybody Curses, I Swear!: Uncensored Tales from the Hollywood Trenches, but with all due respect to Ms. Keagan, that’s not the reason you’re going to watch the video above. No, the reason you’re going to watch the video above, which is possibly the most Friday (#Friday) afternoon video of all-time (although it would still be amusing on, like, a Wednesday evening), is that Larry King says “f*ck.” Not once, not twice, not thrice, but eight times.

That’s a lot of times in a 60-second clip.

Larry tells Keagan “f*ck” is his favorite curse word, and he has the “Lenny Bruce-ism” to prove it, which I’m going to transcribe in full.

“F*ck” is colloquial for intercourse, right? It means a lot of things. But now you can say it anywhere. It’s in the dictionary. When you’re happy, you say, “F*ck.” When you’re unhappy, you say, F*ck.” It fits everything. It’s the greatest word in American language. So Lenny says, “Since it’s colloquial for intercourse, if someone says, “F*ck you,” I say, “Thank you.” When I get mad at someone, I say, “Un-f*ck you. Un-f*ck you forever.” And we’ll be right back.”

This has been This Week In Larry King Saying “F*ck” Eight Times In 60 Seconds.

(Via Larry King)