Spidey’s Follow-Up To ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ Will Start ‘Minutes’ After Where ‘Avengers 4’ Leaves Off

The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first solo Spidey adventure isn’t even in theaters yet (although it sounds spectacular), but nuts to that, let’s start talking sequels.

Marvel chief Kevin Feige and Sony exec Amy Pascal recently shared some details about what the quip-happy webslinger will have in his future following Spider-Man: Homecoming. Speaking with Fandom, the pair revealed that the film’s sequel (due out in July 2019) will take place right where the fourth Avengers movie leaves off. Even though there’s a healthy gap in the cinematic schedule, that’s still quite the star-studded get-together to follow.

“What I think we should focus on is this Spider-Man who started in Civil War and then has this movie, and then will be in the Avengers movie,” explained Pascal. “And we are starting now the next one which will start a few minutes after Avengers 4 wraps as a story.”

For (future) context, Feige notes that Homecoming begins “right after Peter’s adventures in [Captain America:] Civil War.” If the tease of where Spider-Man 2 (but not THAT Spider-Man 2) picks up feels like a bit of spoiler, Feige and Pascal are here to assure you that there will be moments in this year’s motion picture that will catch you off-guard.

“Oh, there’s really big surprises,” says Pascal. “This is not one of those trailers that gives away the movie. In fact, we’ve watched the movie with audiences where you hear an audible [gasps].”

Could one of those “really big surprises” in Homecoming be that cast member Michael Keaton is actually playing all his characters from Multiplicity in the film? Probably not, but we’ll find out for sure when Spider-Man: Homecoming hits theaters July 7.

(Via Fandom)