Joel Osteen Is Facing Heavy Criticism For Keeping His Houston Megachurch Closed Following Hurricane Harvey

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As Hurricane Harvey pummels Texas, thousands have been left displaced and exposed by the flooding, leading many to wonder what they can do to help. People from Beyonce to the folks at Anheuser-Busch are doing their part to assuage the need. Many local religious organizations and churches have also gone out into their hurting communities to provide what aid they can, but there has been one noticeable exception.

Joel Osteen, celebrity pastor, author, podcaster, and multi-millionaire, tweeted out to his congregants on Sunday that his Houston based Lakewood Church would be closed due to flooding.

However, a little research proved that Lakewood wasn’t damaged at all by the flooding, and was simply staying empty. Despite the fact that the megachurch seats 16,800 and could provide lots of shelter for displaced Houston residents, Osteen wasn’t practicing the Christian virtue of providing for those in need.

It’s safe to say that Twitter was quick to point out the Prosperity Gospel preaching pastor was not doing what Jesus would do.

While the church has opened a Hurricane Relief Fund for Houston residents, Osteen is certainly leaving many in his city stranded. At this point, the immediate need is shelter from the flooding, not pouring more money into a church already worth millions.

(Via The NY Post)