Former Sheriff David Clarke Comes For ‘Whacky’ Rep. Frederica Wilson, And People Can’t Handle The Irony

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Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL) became a household name after she revealed President Trump’s crass phone call with the widow of a U.S. soldier. In the call, Trump stated, “He knew what he was getting into.” People were aghast, yet Chief of Staff John Kelly not only defended Trump’s words but added that he was “stunned” at Wilson’s “selfish” response to the call. On CNN this morning, Wilson extended her “deepest sympathy” to Kelly for the loss of his own son in Afghanistan, but she held her ground. Meanwhile, further attacks upon Wilson continue, and one person who tripped over himself in the process happens to be former Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke.

Clarke tweets a lot, especially since he’s got time on his hands after resigning as sheriff (following a number of controversies under his tenure) and becoming unable to take a Homeland Security gig due to accusations of plagiarism. He currently works for a pro-Trump PAC, and he agrees with the president’s recently tweeted assessment of Wilson as “wacky.”

At least, Clarke changed the spelling to “whacky” and added his opinion that Wilson is a “buffoon” while tweeting a screencap of Wilson from a Congressional Black Caucus video. Perhaps Clarke’s not a fan of … her hats?

FYI, Wilson’s gone on record to say that she wears a different fancy hat every day as a tribute to her grandmother. Regardless of her sartorial choices, Twitter was delighted with Clarke’s apparent lack of self-awareness. What followed was an enormous stream of “look in the mirror” jokes, mentions of his own outrageous hats, and digitally enhanced references to those rumors of stolen valor. Both Wilson and Clarke do love their flair!

Yes, the “irony meter” is broken, and it’s not even Friday afternoon yet.