Tomi Lahren’s Attempt To Be Patriotic With Her Halloween Costume Led To Outrage Over Her Disrespecting The Flag

Tomi Lahren‘s newest role as a Fox News commentator stirred up plenty of outrage at first, but she hasn’t upset anyone lately in a major way. To remedy that omission, Lahren carefully chose a Halloween costume that she knew would provoke on a few levels. She debuted her outfit — a #MAGA superhero with an American flag for a cape — on Instagram with this caption: “Oh LA get ready to find your safe spaces! What am I? Well if you’re a conservative, I’m American AF. If you’re a lib, I’m ‘offensive.’ Let’s go.”

The costume (which tops off a #MAGA swimsuit with a cut-up flag and a star-spangled fanny pack) is pure Tomi, although she may have found inspiration a few days ago while tweeting photos of Trump hugging the flag with a #RelationshipGoals hashtag. Indeed, some of Tomi’s conservative fans were delighted by her costume. The most prominent example of praise came from Ryan Fournier, a frequent Fox News commentator and chair of the Trump Students group, who called this “the MOST patriotic costume.”

However, it’s impossible to overlook how the costume appears to have violated the U.S. code section that governs respect for the flag:

The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free. The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free.

This portion of the U.S. code was not lost on those who remarked upon how wearing the flag is considered to be a sign of disrespect.

At that point, people saw no point in holding back, and the jokes rolled in.

Several people also pointed out that Lahren’s recent confusion over the NFL protests has only grown more evident with this Halloween performance.

And it’s not even really Halloween yet! Tuesday could bring even more Lahren antics to the table. Stay tuned.