Corey Feldman Claims That People Are Trying To Kill Him Over His Hollywood Pedophilia Documentary

The silver lining to the bombshell Harvey Weinstein allegations is that they’ve empowered those who have been sexual assaulted or harassed to come forward with their own stories — and not just women targeted by the producer, but everyone from Terry Crews to the recent molestation allegations made by Star Trek: Discovery actor Anthony Rapp against Kevin Spacey. Likewise, the news cycle has prompted Corey Feldman to once again reignite claims that he and his childhood friend Corey Haim were sexually abused as child stars in Hollywood in the ’80s.

To blow the lid off of Hollywood pedophilia, the friend of the Today show sat down with Megyn Kelly on Monday morning to explain why he’s attempting to crowdfund $10 million to produce a documentary on the subject, instead of just, say, coming forward with names. When asked by Kelly why he wouldn’t just name names if there could possibly be other children at risk, Feldman’s logic was confusing and erratic at times.

First, he claimed that he gave names of abusers to police who were investigating Michael Jackson at the time of the pop star’s own molestation case and nothing was done. But that makes sense given that it was a completely separate investigation and Feldman would have had to file his own report in the proper jurisdiction.

After insinuating that many of Weinstein’s accusers “took a deal” to keep quiet, Feldman said that his personal security was currently his number one priority, and that he actively fears for his life over his documentary. “Somebody tried to kill me the other day, I’ve been arrested, this is no joke,” he told Kelly.

“Someone tried to kill you?” she exclaimed. “Two trucks come speeding at me, on the highway, at the same time,” he claimed. “Okay I was with six other people, I have many witnesses to this. Now I’m not saying they were trying to kill Corey Feldman, they were definitely trying to kill a group of people walking across the street.” Why were you and your friends walking across the highway in the first place, Corey Feldman?

Feldman went on to say that he doesn’t have protection from the law for him to name names of molesters, and that the $10 million would go towards his legal fees to represent himself. “Truth is an absolute defense to any defamation case, and every victim needs to know this,” Kelly pointed out, and that he should have nothing to worry about if he’s telling the truth. Like everything else, that too seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Currently, Feldman has raised $160,000 of the $10 million he says he needs to make his movie.