Someone Trolled Paul Manafort By Placing A Robert Mueller Pumpkin Outside His Home

Halloween is over, but someone’s trick on Paul Manafort is making headlines. Trump’s beleaguered former campaign manager might well feel haunted by Special Counselor Robert Mueller, who indicted Manafort this week on charges of money laundering, false statements, and conspiracy against the U.S. Now, Mueller has popped up at Manafort’s Brooklyn brownstone, not in another pre-dawn FBI raid, but in the form of a jack o’lantern.

Manafort’s house was targeted by a prankster who, rather than chucking the Mueller pumpkin on November 1st, decided she would pass it along that others might enjoy it. Professor and fellow Brooklynite Amy Finkel dropped the carved squash off at Manafort’s home and snapped a picture for Instagram while explaining her motives:

“People seem to be pretty into this (I’ve been getting hilarious press requests), so… I carved a Robert Mueller pumpkin this Halloween. I was going to throw it out downstairs last night, but then I had a better idea. It’s now resting peacefully outside Paul Manafort’s Brooklyn brownstone—the house that helped Mueller bring him down. Like Manafort, my pumpkin is now rotten.”

Although Manafort is currently on house arrest, he isn’t confined at the Brooklyn brownstone but another residence. However, the house in question where Finkel dropped off the Mueller o’lantern is one of the properties mentioned in Manafort’s indictment.

Finkel isn’t the only one who’s had fun pranking Mueller’s house, either. Another neighbor affixed a faux designated landmark sign to the gate that details the property’s role in Mueller’s Russian collusion probe and reads, “The House That Brought Down a President.” As for Finkel, she is surprised her prank has gotten so much publicity. She tweeted, “Who knew my liberal snowflake of a pumpkin would get so much press!?”

(Via Mediaite & Wall Street Journal)