The ‘Today’ Show Almost Gets NSFW During A Thanksgiving Turkey Mayo-Basting Gone Awry

The Today show brought in a panel of chefs to give viewers at home cooking tips to make the perfect Thanksgiving feast on the day before the holiday. Roxanne Spruance, the owner and executive chef of the Kingsley restaurant in New York City, in particular, had an unconventional tip for a perfectly moist turkey by piping homemade mayonnaise in under the skin of the bird, which supposedly helps to marinate the meat and fry the skin. For what it’s worth, I use a mixture of softened butter, herbs, and lemon juice under the skin of my turkeys for the same reason — but sure, mayo! Why not?

Well for one thing, butter won’t inadvertently create a NSFW money shot moment, which caused everyone in the studio including Today host Hoda Kotb to break down into a fit of giggles. “That’s a different kind of show! It’s a different show!” exclaimed one chef standing nearby, while Kotb correctly noted to Spruance, “Welcome to YouTube.”

Eh, there are worse ways of going viral for your Thanksgiving recipe. It’s not like Spruance suggested making, say, Brussels sprouts sliders, for example; which makes marinating a turkey with mayo sound like the most reasonable thing in the whole world, comparatively.

You can watch the full segment below: