Mike Huckabee Enthusiastically Defends His Daughter Against Critics Who Accused Her Of Tweeting A Fake Pie Photo

Thanksgiving is one of the better holidays for social media, and Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders got in on the fun this year by sharing a bizarre photo of a chocolate pecan pie that she allegedly prepared for her family’s meal. After this photo launched #PieGate — with many accusing Sarah of posting a fake photo — the controversy continued to rattle through the corridors of power on Monday when former governor Mike Huckabee, Sanders’ father, appeared on Fox Business and defended his daughter’s pie-making-prowess.

After being asked if he ate that particular pie on Thanksgiving, Huckabee says he and his daughter did not have Thanksgiving together this year. Yet he claimed that she’s made the pie in the past. However, Huckabee couldn’t resist making the issue more about honor and Southern culture (or something):

“Stuart, don’t ever and I mean don’t ever mess with a Southern woman and her homemade pies. It is as dangerous as when you hear a Southern woman begin her sentence with ‘bless your heart.’ It means you’re about to be gutted like a deer and just don’t know it.”

Here’s that weird pie photo, by the way. It contains crumbs, but the stark white background led many to assume that it was not a photo that Sanders took.

Sanders was immediately called out and jeered on Twitter. CNN analyst April Ryan spoke loudest while asking Sanders to post a picture that wasn’t as weird as the original one. Sanders declined but offered to bring a pie to the next press briefing.

Huckabee concluded on Fox Business by saying that he hopes his daughter does bake a pie for the White House press corps.

(Via Fox Business & Mediaite)