The Soska Sisters Show Why Horror Movies Shouldn’t Bother With CGI Penises On Shudder’s ‘The Core’

In the latest episode of The Core, Shudder’s original series (co-produced by Uproxx) about all things genre filmmaking, sisters Jen and Sylvia Soska drop by to discuss body horror and the benefits of using practical effects over CGI.

Horror fans aren’t easily fooled: they have no interest in seeing a pixelated penis being ripped off. They want the real thing (or as real as a physical prop of a penis can be), with blood spraying everywhere. The Soska siblings, who directed Dead Hooker in a Trunk, See No Evil 2, and a segment in ABCs of Death 2, were happy to make a gory example out of host Mickey Keating.

Warning: This is not for the faint of heart (or, um, penis). And, it goes without saying, NSFW.

You might need a bag of ice after this one.

Here’s more on The Core:

The Core is a dissection of the brilliant minds from which genre films spring. Whether it’s a demo on head explosions, or a primer on avoiding predictable jump scares, The Core busts open the traditional talk show and plays with its guts. Host Mickey Keating and his guests examine the onscreen techniques and real-life psychologies that strike fear into our very core. We’ll turn you on to what’s thrilling in filmmaking today, without subjecting you to a chat with that dude Greg from film school.

Head to Shudder to watch every episode.