Some People Aren’t Happy With ‘Time’s Decision To Choose Trump As Its 2017 ‘Person Of The Year’ Runner Up

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In late November, Donald Trump inexplicably instigated a Twitter feud with Time magazine when he claimed they had reached out to him to discuss his being 2017’s “Person of the Year” recipient. While the president was ultimately recognized among the final contenders, however, he didn’t make the final cut, which awarded the women leading the #MeToo movement with the annual honor. To add further insult to injury, the magazine did bestow Trump with its top runner up status while acknowledging his highly unpresidential ability to “light up cable news for days” with his tweets before they “recede into nothingness.”

As of this writing, the president has not explicitly responded to Time‘s slight. He did offer up a general “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” tweet while the “Person of the Year” selection kept trending, but considering his account’s embattled status regarding Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, Trump has been uncharacteristically silent on Twitter as of late. His many detractors, however, were not so quiet — especially when they realized the very magazine that had just launched the #MeToo movement into the spotlight had also given the stage to an accused sexual harasser, assaulter, and enabler.

Needless to say, people really aren’t happy about Time’s decision to acknowledge Trump — even if said acknowledgment includes veiled insults and fact-checking.

Many were especially incensed by the fact that Trump, who has been accused of sexual harassment or assault by dozens of women, was otherwise given a stage grander than theirs.

However, others were quick to point out that many of Trump’s accusers were given a “shout out” in its “The Silence Breakers” main article.

Regardless, people are still pissed (and they have a point).