Tomi Lahren Surprises Nobody By Showing She’s A Huge Fan Of Vanity Fair’s Suggestion That Hillary Should Start Knitting

Vanity Fair really stepped in it with a “jokey” year-end video that recommended that Hillary Clinton pick up knitting as a hobby. The internet was, of course, outraged, and the publication subsequently issued an apology statement: “It was an attempt at humor and we regret that it missed the mark.” One person who really did think this video was humorous, however, was conservative firebrand and Fox News commentator Tomi Lahren.

Not shocking, right? Lahren loved the Hillary video for the obvious reason (because it made fun of Hillary), but she also said this: “Finally, they’re coming to their senses and they’ve got a sense of humor.” And Lahren couldn’t resist talking of “selective feminism” and kicking Kathy Griffin over her controversial Trump photo, which is a fair criticism of Griffin, but Lahren wrongly assumes that the Left approved of that image: “This is a group of people, Kathy Griffin included, who thought it would be a ‘joke’ to decapitate President Trump, & pose for ‘art’. But now if we make fun of Hillary Clinton, that’s below the belt?”

In the end, though, Lahren is not deterred by her own flawed arguments or corrected by her fellow Fox News voices (in this case, Hannity guest host David Webb and retired Secret Service agent and commentator Dan Bongino). Instead, she happily chirps, “I don’t expect them to change … But I love triggering [liberals] because I just really get a kick out of it.”

Watch the full segment below.

(Via Fox News)