Meghan McCain And Ana Navarro Clash While Discussing The Government Shutdown On ‘The View’

CNN’s Ana Navarro has been regularly filling in on The View while regular co-host Sara Haines has been on maternity leave. Despite being a Republican, as a Latina woman Navarro has been a vehemently outspoken critic of Donald Trump, and even went so far to vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Likewise, Meghan McCain is also a Republican who did not support Trump (although she did not vote for Hillary), however the two still managed to get into a heated argument on the who is to blame for the government shutdown on Monday morning.

McCain was hesitant to point the blame on Trump, arguing that Democrats are as much to blame for holding out on DACA getting passed as Republicans were during the 2013 government shutdown. But when it was brought up that Republicans led by Mitch McConnell are responsible for the military not being paid, McCain took umbrage.

“It is not intellectually honest to sit here and say this is completely Trump’s fault,” she said. Democrats are playing partisan politics in the exact same way. DACA is a very emotional issue — I agree with you Ana that this should be an easy layup, quite frankly on both sides because of how popular it is — but to sit here and say that this government shutdown has anything to do with my, or the Republican party’s love for the troops is intellectually dishonest.”

Navarro sat back and let McCain say her piece, and then proceeded to lay into her. “Do you think Mitch McConnell should have allowed that amendment, allowing for paid benefits for the family of the fallen and allowing for pay for the armed forces?” she shot back at McCain.

At that point Whoopi Goldberg tried to intervene to no luck. Things only grew more heated when McCain accused Navarro of partisanship and asked her why she is even still a Republican, and Goldberg abruptly called to go to what was probably the most awkward commercial break ever. Agree to disagree?