The Third ‘Cloverfield’ Movie May Head To Netflix Instead Of Theaters

Paramount Pictures

The kind of connected Cloverfield movies have had the third entry waiting in the wings for months now, with Paramount finally deciding that the follow-up to 2016’s 10 Cloverfield Lane once called God Particle but now possibly Cloverfield Station locked into an April 20th release date. But now it may not come to theaters at all.

The film that finished shooting in 2016 has had release dates ranging from February 2017 to this past fall, leading to scuttlebutt that Paramount isn’t happy with what’s in the can. Now a fresh new rumor has fueled the fire of yet another shifting release to the JJ Abrams-produced sci-fi/horror flick. Supposedly, Jim Gianopulos, Paramount’s new chairman, wants to move on from the movie and recoup what he can so Paramount can find more theater-worthy films.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, sources are saying Abrams was going to fix up Cloverfield Station/God Particle in post-production, but his new job on Star Wars: Episode IX has eaten up all of his attention. There’s an “it was too little, too late” quote being thrown around.

Cloverfield and 10 Cloverfield Lane were relatively low-budget and both made a solid profit in theaters, but the third film cost over $40 million, so it seems like they have no faith it will make that money back. Could it really be that bad?

(Via Collider)