Trump Accuses Democrats Of Treason For Not Applauding During His State Of The Union Address

On Monday, Donald Trump traveled to Cincinnati, Ohio to speak about his tax reform bill at Sheffer Corporation, where he invited pre-selected employees to the stage to talk about the bonuses they received after the passing of the bill. It was a decidedly off script Trump however, so his remarks touched on everything from the 2018 midterm elections to how no NFL players took a knee before Sunday night’s Super Bowl.

At one point, while bragging about his State of the Union address last week, Trump of course found a way to complain about Democrats for their stone-faced reception while he spoke. “They were told, don’t even make a facial movement,” he claimed. “And I’m talking about you have the lowest Hispanic unemployment in the history of our country … dead silence, not a smile.”

After pointing out one Democrat who apparently clapped during the part where he noted the lowest African American unemployment ever — who he speculates was “severely reprimanded” for acting out of line — things got particularly insane.

“So that means they would rather see Trump do badly then our country do well,” he continued, referring himself in the third person. “Even on positive news, really positive news like that, they were like … death. And un-American. Somebody said ‘treasonous,'” he said, pointing at the audience. “I mean, yeah, I guess why not! Can we call that treason? Why not.”

Not as treasonous as say, colluding with Russia to sway a United States presidential election, but sure, yeah why not.