Meet The Minimalist Designer Dedicated to Zero-Waste


You have a pile of clothes that you don’t wear. We all do. The ones that need new buttons or a quick mend, the ones that no longer fit, and the ones that were purchased or gifted with no consideration for what you actually like to wear. They just sit around as potential Goodwill or garbage fodder. And, that doesn’t take into account the clothes that are in good repair, fit perfectly, and match your style but never get worn because the trends have passed them by. Modern people simply have too much clothing.

For Izavel Varela, a zero-waste minimalist fashion designer, this situation is the inspiration for a career. “We have so much clothing,” the designer states. “Why not just go into your clothes and remake it or alter it?”

A long-standing fashion insider, Varela was finally pushed over the edge when it began to feel like each week represented a new season for fashion. To counter, she re-uses all of her past collections. Plus, everything is made out of organic, non-toxic bamboo fabrics. All of her leftover yardages are upcycled into bags and artwork. Workers involved in the production of her collections are paid fair wages, and all manufacturing remains transparent and local, as well.

Varela hopes to serve as an example to others and to inspire them in changing the way that they approach style. To learn more about the designer and her process, watch the video below: