‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ Is Partially Inspired By ‘The Big Lebowski’

Via Disney

Lawrence Kasdan wrote the screenplays for The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Return of the Jedi, and The Big Chill. He provided at least 15 percent of your happiest childhood memories, and when Disney and Lucasfilm needed someone to recapture the Star Wars magic for The Force Awakens, guess who they got? Your boy Lawrence (as well as director J.J. Abrams and Michael Arndt). Kasdan, along with his son Jake, was also tapped to write the screenplay for Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25), which has run into its share of behind-the-scenes problems. But the script shouldn’t be one of them.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the Kasdans, who hopefully have a healthier relationship than Luke and Darth, discussed the films that inspired them while they were writing Solo, including Treasure Island, Michael Mann’s Heat, Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven, and the cult classic The Big Lebowski.

“Larry and I are both huge Coen brothers fans, and we talk a lot about that [relationship] as a reference,” Jon said, referring to Han Solo is to Chewbacca as The Dude is to Walter Sobchak. “[We were] trying to create a crime movie where our character was entering a crime world where there were already dramas in place and relationships and complications, and we have to see him negotiate a lot more rivalries than he is expecting at the beginning of the story. [Solo] has that flavor of a crime world that has weirdness and surprise and people stumbling into things… The Big Lebowski is a great example because Solo has a more off-kilter tone than you’ve ever seen in [Star Wars].”

“That rug really tied the room together.” “I know.”

(Via Entertainment Weekly)