Trump’s Military Parade Could Cost Between $10 And $30 Million, According To Budget Director Mulvaney

Before the ongoing Rob Porter scandal emerged, reports surfaced that President Trump wanted a big military parade — and the Pentagon was working on plans for one. Despite the overwhelming unpopularity of the idea, especially among those in the military, the parade is apparently moving forward with budget director Mick Mulvaney offering a conservative estimate of between $10 and $30 million.

Speaking to Congress, Mulvaney said the estimates for the parade were not included in the latest budget proposal since the President’s latest whim came up late in their planning.

Mulvaney defended the idea of a military parade, citing the parade held after the conclusion of the first Gulf War. He noted that the range in costs was because of the different equipment that could be used and a longer parade would cost more than a shorter parade.

“I’ve seen various different costs … we’ll continue to work with you folks if (the administration) decides to push forward with that initiative,” Mulvaney said.

Earlier this month, ignoring the existence of Veterans Day and Memorial Day, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders also defended the idea of a parade. “President Trump is incredibly supportive of America’s great service-members who risk their lives every day to keep our country safe,” she said. “He has asked the Department of Defense to explore a celebration at which all Americans can show their appreciation.”

The Gulf War parade, held after the war was considered to be won (unlike the current wars the U.S. is involved in) drew 200,000 attendees to Washington.

(Via CNN)