Stacey Dash Tells MSNBC That Trump Was ‘Absolutely Right’ In His ‘Both Sides’ Charlottesville Response

Former Fox News contributor Stacey Dash gave her first televised interview to MSNBC’s Ari Melber Thursday evening, since announcing that she’s running for Congress in California late last month. Suffice to say, it did not go so great as Dash consistently gave vague, guarded answers to Melber when pressed on issues such as Dreamers, gun control, and healthcare.

Things really went off the rails, however, when Melber brought up President Trump’s initial response to the White Supremacist rally in Charlottesville back in August of 2017, blaming “both sides” for what happened.

After Melber replayed the clip of Trump as that now-infamous press conference, Dash responded:

“No, I think he’s absolutely right. There were two extreme sides. And here’s what it boils down to: our right. They had a right to assemble. Both sides had a right. But they were both extremes. And here’s where I said in the beginning, we have to listen to each other, if we do not listen, there will be no solutions. It’s just a bunch of banter and noise.”

Melber wasn’t having that answer, and continued to press Dash, asking her: “If the White Supremacists were the hate on one side, what was the hate that would be equivalent to that on the other side?” He pointed out that that’s what had enraged so many people about Trump’s comments — that there was only one hate group at the rally, but Dash kept evading the line of questioning.

Eventally, Melber asked her point blank whether or not she personally agreed with the statement that there were “good people on both sides” of a White Supremacist rally, and her response was equally mind-boggling.

“I’m not here to judge, the only one who can judge is God. Do I know every person in the Neo-Nazi party? If they have a good heart or not? No, I don’t. Do I know every member of a gang whether they have a good heart or not? No, I don’t. Do I know every man in prison, if he has a good heart or not? No, I don’t. I’m not here to judge.”

Best of luck to Dash with this congressional bid. Clearly, she’s already demonstrating top-notch leadership skills.