Corey Lewandowski Gets Viciously Roasted On Twitter For His ‘Womp Womp’ Remark

Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski did not do himself any favors during an appearance with Fox News host Sandra Smith Tuesday night, when debating the plight of migrant children being separated from their parents at the United States border. Democratic strategist Zac Petkanas tried to appeal to Lewandowski’s sense of decency by recalling a story he read about a 10-year-old girl with Down Syndrome who was taken away from her mother and put in a cage.

Suffice to say, the ploy did not work as it would appear that Lewandowski has no such sense.

“Womp, womp,” Lewandowski fired back snidely, attempting to cut off Petkanas’ point. “Did you just say ‘womp womp’ to a 10-year-old with Down Syndrome being taken from her mother?,” Petkanas asked, incredulously. “How dare you! How dare you! How absolutely dare you,” he continued, clearly outraged.

The two continued to duke it out until Smith was forced to intervene so that Petkanas could finish his thought. But word of Lewandowski’s retort quickly went viral, drawing the ire of CNN’s Don Lemon and just about everyone else on the internet, it would seem.

For his part, Lewandowski attempted to explain himself on Twitter Wednesday morning, however that didn’t go much better.

“Lots of Fake News today. I mocked a liberal who attempted to politicize children as opposed to discussing the real issue which is fixing a broken immigration system,” he wrote. “It’s offenseive [sic] that the MSM doesn’t want to talk about the fact these policies were started under Obama.”

As Petkanas pointed out, the policy under the Obama administration was to detain unaccompanied minors, while these minors are obviously accompanied by their parents. The policy to criminally prosecute all illegal border-crossers, including families who cross together seeking asylum, was in fact a directive of the Trump administration.