Trump’s Presidential Proclamation To Honor Columbus Day Is Not Going Over Well

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By now most of us are aware that unlike we were taught in elementary school, Christopher Columbus was not so much a plucky adventurer who sailed the ocean blue to discover America, but more so a terrible figure who tortured and committed mass genocide of indigenous peoples. For those reasons and many more, it’s largely unclear why we as a country even still acknowledge such a problematic holiday — with many cities in recent years instead choosing to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day.

On Monday morning, President Trump decided to make a big show of honoring Columbus Day, because if there’s a misinformed stance to take on an issue, he will almost certainly jump at the chance to support it.

“Christopher Columbus’s spirit of determination and adventure has provided inspiration to generations of Americans,” Trump tweeted. “On #ColumbusDay, we honor his remarkable accomplishments as a navigator, and celebrate his voyage into the unknown expanse of the Atlantic Ocean.”

The tweet then links to a White House press release in which Trump has issued a presidential proclamation naming today as Columbus Day, just in case we all weren’t already painfully aware. At this point, we shouldn’t be even remotely surprised, but people still sounded off on Twitter to slam the president for his lack of sensitivity.

If nothing else, you have to admit it’s a bit eyebrow-raising that Trump seems to have selective outrage for immigrants crossing borders, illegally or otherwise.