Cazzie David Shared Some Blunt Advice From Her Father After Her Pete Davidson Breakup

Despite being the daughter of Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seinfeld creator Larry David, Cazzie David is probably best known for her past relationship with Saturday Night Live star Pete Davidson that ended with Davidson becoming engaged to Ariana Grande two weeks after breaking up with David. Obviously, that experience had to suck all around, especially considering that David shares a lot of her dad’s famous social quirks and anxiety. But she also acquired his comedic sensibilities, which she’s explored in her first collection of essays, No One Asked for This.

In an interview to promote the book, David opened up about her break-up with Davidson, and how her father tried to help her through the excruciatingly public situation by giving her the kind of blunt advice that only the Curb creator can offer. Here’s how David described the aftermath of the break-up when she learned that Davidson had already moved on with Grande and posted pictures on Instagram of his new tattoos covering up David’s name. Via the L.A. Times:

She was devastated. On the plane to her sister’s college graduation, David was held by her dad as she “shook uncontrollably in his arms for the entire flight.” She curled up in the hotel’s bathroom, crying and sucking on her weed pens. She woke up “screaming in agony,” her dad pulling her from the bed to stop her spiraling.


As we all know, Davdison’s relationship with Grande was short-lived, and he eventually patched things up with David. In fact, she’s not only still friends with the SNL comedian, but she thanks him in her book’s acknowledgements. “Pete. I love you,” David writes. “Your bravery inspires me and your friendship means the world to me.”

(Via L.A. Times)