Jim Acosta Offered A Powerful Message On Division In America Two Decades After 9/11: ‘We Lost Our Way’

To say America is a divided country is an understatement these days. Even Republicans can’t seem to decide whether the party should jettison Donald Trump, and as the coronavirus pandemic continues to ravage America there are decidedly different ways people across political spectrums want to approach fighting its impact on the population.

Jim Acosta has certainly noticed that division, and on Saturday he offered a monologue on the 20-year anniversary of 9/11 that offered reflection on that division. Acosta has spent recent weeks attacking Tucker Carlson’s rhetoric and the harmful alternate reality networks like Fox News offer viewers, and on Saturday he noted that in the two decades since the September 11 terrorist attacks the country has only shifted further apart.

“There was an expression after 9/11: “All gave some. Some gave all.” We don’t really do that anymore,” Acosta said. “Some of us don’t want to give anything at all.”

Acosta managed to weave a narrative of division about both politics and viewing habits, but also an unwillingness by many to do their part to help end a pandemic still killing thousands of people a week.

“We live in separate worlds now. We don’t agree on the same facts anymore,” he said. “We can’t even agree on wearing masks or getting vaccinated to end this pandemic.”

You can watch the full monologue here.