Piers Morgan And His Royal-Fetishist Guest Can’t Believe ‘Brazen Hussy’ Meghan Markle Dared To Smile ‘Through The Window Of A Car’

Piers Morgan needs to get a life—one that doesn’t revolve around him imagining that he and Meghan Markle had some sort of romantic relationship, or that she threw him over for Prince Harry. Not only has his creepy obsession with the actress-turned-royal caused problems for him professionally, it has turned him into a vindictive pile of goo who regularly embarrasses himself by publicly chastising the Duchess for all sorts of innocuous behaviors. And this week, it happens to be smiling.

Yes, smiling.

On Thursday, Morgan welcomed royal biographer Tom Bower onto Piers Morgan Uncensored to discuss all the hoopla surrounding the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. And while he kicked off the program by noting that the Queen would be skipping the Thanksgiving Service at St. Paul’s Cathedral, he clearly couldn’t wait to start the Meghan-bashing—and he found an equally enthusiastic partner in Bower.

While Morgan stated that his “big objection to Harry and Meghan is primarily the rampant hypocrisy that accompanies almost everything that comes out of their mouths.” Specifically, he took issue with them arriving in London via private jet despite their constant “preaching” about the environment. But it was Bower who went for the jugular:

“Well, you get excited about that. I get excited about Meghan appearing in this extraordinary hat with a big smile and letting down the window of her car so she could be seen. I mean, here is a woman who—as you know better than anyone else—according to you, lied 17 times on The Oprah Show interview, and hasn’t yet apologized.

“Why has she come here? Has she come here to apologize to the Queen? Has she come here to say that she’s sorry to the Duchess of Cambridge? Or is she here to promote herself?”

While both men agreed that Prince Andrew having to pay millions of dollars to settle a sexual assault claim was bad for the monarchy, they seemed to think that Markle’s claims of racism within the royal family was an even worse offense—and blame the Duchess.

Still, Bower couldn’t get over Meghan’s audacity to smile while wearing an oversized hat—a move that he believes “shows just what a brazen hussy she is.” To which a clearly pleased Morgan responded: “Well, your words not mine, but I’m not denying them.”