Sad!: Trump ‘May Be Tempted To Go Back To Twitter’ Because Truth Social Keeps Hemorrhaging Users

Donald Trump‘s fledgling social media platform, Truth Social, is continuing to be one headache after another. On top of reportedly losing over $100 million of investors’ money, facing scrutiny from the Feds, and failing to pay its bills, the platform is reportedly hemorrhaging users at a substantial rate.

According to right-wing media watchdog group, TheRighting, Comscore data for Truth Social shows a significant drop in users over the past two months. Trump’s site reportedly reached a peak high of 4.02 million visitors in August, and it’s been downhill from there. In September, Truth Social was down to 3.38 million, and by October it was sitting at 2.85 million visitors. That’s a loss of 1.17 million visitors, over a quarter of its peak high numbers.

Why the sudden drop? The most likely reason is even diehard MAGA users are getting tired of Trump, and he may retreat back to Twitter, which has been turning into right-wing love-fest thanks to Elon Musk. Via Confider:

“It suggests a decreasing interest in what Trump is saying on his platform,” Howard Polskin, a lifelong media vet and founder of TheRighting, told Confider. “If the numbers keep declining, he may be tempted to go back to Twitter to reach a much larger audience.”

Of course, Trump might not be able to return to Twitter without triggering claims of securities fraud. Truth Social is in the middle of a merger deal that could go south if Trump bails on the platform after convincing investors that it would be the exclusive home for his social media presence. Then again, caring about laws or investigations has never been Trump’s strong suit, so literally anything can happen if he’s not getting the attention he craves from Truth Social’s shrinking user base.

(Via Confider)