A Chinese Man Trumps Your Marriage Proposal By Building A Giant Transformer Replica For His Girlfriend

A marriage proposal takes careful time and planning. You hold some doors for a lady, buy dinner, and hide a wedding ring inside of her Wendy’s Frosty and you’re feeling like you’ve blown the doors off romance.

You’re the best, no matter how many videos you see online of folks proposing at sporting events, with highly choreographed street performances, or with help from Jesse Pinkman himself. Nothing could top what you’ve done, until now according to Gizmodo:

According to Chinese news site Jinyang, he constructed this three-story-tall model of Optimus Prime over the course of 10 months to impress his girlfriend enough that she’d say yes. The superheroic machine took 400 drawings, 40,000 rivets and nearly $10,000 worth of stainless steel and iron.

That’s all well and good, but this ring was tanzanite, OK? It was beautiful and it takes a bit more than some robot to outshine that kind of beauty. Not to mention the dessert will go to help St. Jude Children’s Hospital. So yeah, big robotic whoop.

Many do find the replica impressive though and it certainly does improve upon other Chinese attempts at giant robot statues, including this Optimus Prime made out of junk and the famous Chinese Gundam knockoff. No word on if the lady who inspired the creation said yes, but you’d have to be stone cold to deny anyone who puts this much effort into winning your heart.

(Lead image via Chris Buckley/YCWB/Gizmodo)