The King’s Speech porn parody looks brilliant

I’ve posted a lot of porn parodies on FilmDrunk (I’m but a humble public servant), but this new one for The King’s Speech might be the best yet. For one thing, there are myriad ways one could go with the title — The King’s Peach, The King’s Peen, The King’s Queef, etc. — but if you had “The King’s Piece,” go to the front of the class.  Starring Dani O’Neal and Michelle Moist, it cleverly mirrors several plot points from the original.

“My husband is required to, well… perform publicly.”

Get it? He’s a porn star with erectile dysfunction in this one.  So he seeks help from a professional (busty and be-thonged, of course), who tries to cure him using stodgy old superstitions like the old anal-beads-in-the-mouth treatment.  “Ejaculate!” she demands.  But of course her traditional methods are hopelessly outdated.  That’s when he seeks out an unorthodox (but similarly busty) mentor.  “Do you know any strokes?” she asks.

“Timing isn’t my strong suit.”

Oh, I see what you did there.  “Some men are born great,” reads the following title card.  “…Others have greatness thrust upon them.”  Wow, ‘thrust upon them.’  That is the most awesomely subtle wordplay I’ve ever seen in a porno.  Is this British?  You guys are way better at this.  Plus, and I can never stress this enough: NO EVAN STONE.  And you can tell it’s a high-class production because they used the same set as both the actual King’s Speech and the gay porn that was shot there earlier.  Anyway, I hope that, like the original, the king and and his mentor will eventually form a special bond based on understanding and mutual respect.


[via HMS Friday.  Thanks to Chris for the tip.  Just the tip.]