Frotcast 79: Prison Memoirs, Heroin, & Hanukkah Songs with Burnsy

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Do you like more detailed episode notes? Well you can thank Frotcast Correspondent Adam for this lovely episode description (the short version is, it’s pretty good! you should listen!).

This week, we talk to Vince’s classmate at Columbia and published author, Matthew Parker (00:02:07). Matthew discusses with us his life in jail and prison starting at the age of 13, getting busted for counterfeiting, and becoming a free man in March of 2002. He compares county jail, state and federal prison to the higher education system, and describes what lead to his addiction to heroin and quitting for good at the age of 40. Vince and Matthew reminisce about their time at Columbia, and how a piece of Matthew’s got published in the NY Times that led to him getting an agent. His graphic memoir “Larceny in My Blood: A Memoir of Handcuffs, Heroin, and Higher Education” will be released on August 7th and is available for pre-order on Amazon.

Then we get into Burnsy’s Corner to discuss the worst movies of the year (00:44:49). Burnsy should be considered an American hero for watching both Bucky Larson and Jack and Jill. Not to spoil Burnsy’s list, but “Tower Heist” earned the #1 spot. Vince thinks that’s bullsh*t, but they both agree the film is fantastically insulting to viewers. The discussions soon dissolves into who’s more polarizing; Bret, Fake Bret, or Lindy. Vince pulls out a timely Fatty Arbuckle reference, and a hypothetical discussion of how one would go about making jizz angels pops up.

After last weeks Christmas songs, Burnsy brought some Hannukkah songs for all the heathens to listen to (01:03:00). Vince gets mistaken for Jewish. Flaming manginas and Turkish knife fights are brought up.

The final segment deals with Vince Mangina and his merkin, Chuck Liddell and his eternal mohawk, and science (Xyience??) (01:17:09). Brendan goes through Vince’s notebook while Vince steps out. We talk about our best films of 2011. Somehow Transformers 3 (guess who) gets mentioned along with Drive, Hesher, X-Men: First Class, Thor, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Midnight in Paris, Cedar Rapids, 50/50, and Like Crazy. Vince’s top pick is Elite Squad 2 from Brazil. Tim and Eric’s Million Dollar Movie gets mentioned, as well as the reactions to their absurdist humor. Cool uncle names gets talked about. From the news and listener emails we talk about the guy who died from eating cocaine from his brother’s butt, Brendan gets some tips on dealing with Vince’s hecklers, and we learn about a crazy Florida radiologist who is raising money for Joran Van der Sloot.

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Thanks to Rich for the Fake Bret holiday card.

Thanks to BishopLuke for the Kevin Spacey for President of Space campaign poster.