Morning Links

I couldn’t think of a cute headline for this post, but the title of this file was “orangutan soccer helmet,” which would be an awesome name for your indie band. |FckYeahDementia|

Did you listen to our Best of 2011 Frotcast yet? Do it now. |

SPLOOSH! A Tribute To Archer’s Pam Poovey |UPROXX|

This Is, Literally, The Worst News In The History Of Professional Football |With Leather|

Five ’90s Comic Book Movies That Could Use a Reboot |Gamma Squad|

Incontrovertible Proof that Tom Cruise is Not Gay |Warming Glow|

25 People Who Thought SOPA Was About Soap |Buzzfeed|

Best of Mary Shelley’s Frankenhole, Season 1 |Adult Swim|

Buy yourself a FilmDrunk shirt, you know you want to. |BigCartel|

‘The Day the LOL Cats Died’ Is the Official Song of the SOPA Protests
|The FW|

Snooki’s still on diet pills. Not that it’s going to help. |TheSuperficial|

Today we are all this baby. |Videogum|

Saved by the Bell with inappropriate WOOing. |GorillaMask|

11 brilliantly colorized historical photos. |MentalFloss|

The five worst episodes of inside the actor’s studio. |Nerve|

The whiskey and water trick is kinda cool. |TheDailyWhat|

If you guessed Michelle Trachtenberg as the next celeb to have a sex tape out there then I have some good news. Maybe |FARK|

The 11 Crappiest Movies of Kate Beckinsale’s Career |Pajiba|

Couple Attempts to Explode a Car By Using Flaming Tampons |Brobible|

Blast from the Past: Unintentional Couples Mismatches in Movies |Unreality|

7 Paula Deen recipes that would give Superman diabetes. |ScreenJunkies|

5 ridiculous fast food promotions. |HolyTaco|

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