Crispin Glover’s movie sounds awesome

Just one more note about FilmDrunkard Justin here and Crispin Glover. There was a little more to this story and I didn’t want to bury it in the Comments of the Week post.

Crispin screened a movie he directed that was written by and stars a guy with extreme cerebral palsy.
The movie was basically the guy with cerebral palsy having hardcore sex scenes with hot girls, and then murdering them via chokehold.  Over and over.  For two hours. So basically, a must-see!

First of all, that sounds amazing. Secondly, is anyone else a little creeped out by how eerily similar that is to the plot of most of Joe King’s movie pitches? Disabilities, hardcore sex, jiu-jitsu – it really hits every Joe King beat. Joe and Crispin need to collaborate like yesterday, and we need to get Kickstarter page going to fund it.

So apparently the film is called It Is Fine! Everything Is Fine. It played at Sundance back in 2007, and sounds to be just the way Justin described it.

He said that he wasn’t ever going to release it on DVD, and that the only way to see it was whenever he screened it. It was so funny seeing people come because they liked him in Back to the Future, only to end up seeing a handicapped man get an honest to god blow job on the big screen.

Dammit. I was really looking forward to a romantic evening of watching this on Netflix Instant with the GF. You can see the NSFW trailer below. Aw, man. Almost everything I like is NSFW. See, this is why I no longer W.

In related news, I look forward to the “Hardcore Cerebral Palsy Sex” Google traffic that I can expect from this.