"And then Clive Hemingway punched me in the face."

If you didn’t get your Hemingway fix from this morning’s clip from Woody Allen’s old stand-up act about Hemingway punching him in the face, after the jump I’ve got the first trailer for Hemingway & Gellhorn, an HBO film premiering May 28th starring Clive Owen and Nicole Kidman. It tells the story of the romance between Ernest Hemingway and Martha Gellhorn after they meet covering the Spanish Civil War (best Spanish Civil War book: Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia), and promises to paint Hemingway as the manliest man ever to rock a beret. “Who is that large dirty man in those disgustingly soiled clothes,” as Kidman’s Gellhorn puts it. She makes it sound all romantic, but most people ask the same thing about your average IT guy. Or blogger.

Anyway, if you enjoy this, be sure to check back for my historical, interracial buddy cop flick, Heminguey and Butthorn, starring Danny Trejo and Gary Busey.

[via CinemaBlend]