WATCH: ‘Supervan’ Proves That All It Takes to Rule the World is a Really Sweet Van

“3 Minute Supervan” really has everything you want in a video – vans, a supervan, a guy whose dad tells him he’s never going to amount to anything on account of his dumb van, and then that guy proving his dad wrong by having the greatest van in the world that becomes the envy of all other vanners at the vanning convention. I really wish I’d grown up in the 70s sometimes, when having a sweet van that you could do chicks in was something to aspire to. And when having a sweet van might actually have been a reason for chicks to do you. [via EverythingIsTerrible]

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|FilmDrunk| Vince Vaughn’s latest movie bombed even harder than his last two bombs.

|Uproxx| Miley Cyrus performed with a giant cat. Is that a euphemism? I don’t know, I kind of just wish she would fall into a giant sink hole of obscurity.

|WarmingGlow| SNL pays awesome tribute to that song that should be called “Josie’s on a Vacation for a Week” but isn’t.

|KissingSuzy| Broncos blow 24-point lead, photographers battle for the Sad Manning shot.

|WithLeather| Every Tombstone Piledriver performed by the undertaker.

|GammaSquad| Five R-Rated superheroes studios should make immediately but won’t.

|UproxxVideo| “Man with a Baby’s Body” was my favorite SNL sketch in a long time.

|SmokingSection| Here’s how not to save Africa.

|TheSuperficial| Brooke Hogan dumped her fiance in order to focus on her music, maaaan.

|Videogum| Kid President’s 20 things we should say more often.

|TheChive| The best photos of the week.

|Buzzfeed| 17 background actors who have no idea what they’re doing.

|deathandtaxes| Justin Bieber inspired Sufijan Stevens to write something weird about over-sexed teens.

|IDLYITW| Hugh Jackman got some skin cancer removed.

|BroBible| This Marine was fired up at the Ole Miss game.

|Pajiba| Beastie Boys go to war with Goldieblocks over “Girls.”