Guess How Many Times ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ Used the F-Word to Become the New Title Holder

While the Wolf of Wall Street has been the subject of much debate over the past few weeks (shameless pimp of my own column!), there’s one fact about which we can all agree: Wolf of Wall Street is the new all-time F-word champion. Wolf‘s 506 uses of the F-word broke the previous record held by Spike Lee’s Summer of Sam by 71 F-words. Though because Summer of Sam was so much shorter, it actually had more uses per minute, 3.06 to 2.83. F*ck density is an important consideration.

[Via the Wiki Article on the subject]

Meanwhile, it’s not on the list, but FilmSchoolRejects cites Canadian horror film Gutterballs as the all-time F-word leader for a non-documentary, with 625 [citation needed].

Normally, I would celebrate the profane, as I’ve somewhat dedicated my life to it. But today, I join with parents, church leaders, and Bill Cosby in worrying about profanity’s deleterious effect on today’s youth. Why, just look what it did to Tom Hanks’s son Chester! If it can happen to Tom Hanks, it can happen to anyone!

Chet Haze really is the ultimate “impressionable youth.”