Monkeys riding tiger cubs and morning links

Courtesy of Japanese TV, here’s a baby macaque riding on a tiger cub.  It’s strange, because usually the big pussies are the ones riding on top of m… you know, I think you guys can finish the joke from here. [via JapanProbe]


HE DONE GOOFED. Jessi Slaughter’s dad arrested. |Uproxx|

100 of the most ridiculous Yahoo! Answers posts |Uproxx|

Posted yesterday, so in case you missed it: Sucker Punch is like the alternate future from Back to the Future 2 where Biff owns a casino. |FilmDrunk|

Yo dawg, we heard you like Nintendo so… |GammaSquad|

Welcome to CORGI-CON 2010, OOOH WHA-AH Aww, awwww. |WarmingGlow|

Chad Ochocinco sucks at futbol. |WithLeather|

Rebecca Black’s “Friday”: the muzak version. |TheDailyWhat|

Aw, dogs helping dogs.  Mildly heartwarming gif of the day. |BostonBarstoolSports|

Charlie Sheen offered $1 million book advance, fires his book agent, petals fall off a thousand poets’ flowers. |TheSuperficial|

Madonna reneges on all her African promises. |WWTDD|

Donald Glover live tweets a couple having sex in a Bank of America. |Buzzfeed|

Hillary and Theresa help each other make sand bras. (Prob NSFW). |GorillaMask|

Things that look like Gadhafi. |HolyTaco|

Zack Snyder talks Sucker Punch and Superman. |ScreenJunkies|

Juliette Lewis: A photographic celebration of white trash. |Pajiba|

Moods of Emma Watson vs the moods of Kristin Stewart, an infographic. |UnrealityMag|

Is a guy named Earl Sweatshirt better than Nas? |SmokingSection|

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