Kraft Has Reunited Vanilla Ice And The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

February might go down as one of the biggest months of Vanilla Ice’s life, at least since the days that he called himself the biggest rapper in the world. In fact, the next eight days might end up being the biggest of his life, as he’s being named the Outstanding Citizen of the Year by the village of Wellington, Florida on Feb. 26, and he’s headlining a concert in Dallas on Feb. 22 with Coolio that was created by a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles superfan, who made it a crowdfunded goal to put on a concert that would allow him to have Vanilla Ice performing “Ninja Rap” while men in TMNT costumes danced on stage. That’s a very real news story.

But that won’t be the only association that Robert Van Winkle will have with the Ninja Turtles this month. Thanks to Kraft Mac & Cheese, the host of The Vanilla Ice Project is already singing “Ninja Rap” in a new commercial, as he’s pushing the TMNT pasta. Does this mean that Michael Bay is making Ice’s dream come true by giving him some kind of role in the upcoming TMNT reboot? Probably. It is Michael Bay, after all. He could be remaking Philadelphia and he’d find a way to add explosions and a live performance by P.O.D.