Kevin Smith is producing a reality show and sh-t

As part of his ongoing bid to become the nerd Oprah, Kevin Smith is taking on yet another project between weight struggles, most recently a reality show set inside his New Jersey comic book store, Jay and Silent Bob’s Secret Stash.  Here’s the casting call:

He’s not looking for actors, he’s looking for real people who live and breathe [and wheeze -Ed] the comic book lifestyle. Must be funny outgoing and have a knowledge and passion for comics, superheroes, movie memorabilia and everything that goes with it.

Hey, pal, if I wanted to see loosely-strung together footage of people blathering about comic books with no regard for visual composition, I’d watch Clerks.

Last night he tweeted that the show would be on AMC, which recently announced plans for a stronger reality-show lineup. The pitch for comics fans also included a request for collectors. “It’s Pawn Stars for Fanboys, and if you have something to sell/trade/or value, we want you to bring it to us!,” the post added. [EW]

ANOTHER SHOW ABOUT PEOPLE SELLING USED GOODS?  MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED!  Now I finally have something to DVR when I’m done watching Pawn Stars, Hardcore Pawn on TruTV, Antiques Roadshow on PBS, Auction Hunters on Spike, Auction Packed on Nat Geo, Auction Kings on Discover, American Pickers and American Restoration on History, and What the Sell? on TLC!  And this time with a clientele of nerdy shut-ins from suburbia?  This sounds like pure gold!  My only concern is that by recruiting our young, our able-bodied youths, trolling craigslist for reality show casting calls and dreaming of a career in graphic art sales (as well as “living and breathing the comic book lifestyle.” I mean, nothing against people who read comic books, but if you consider that a “lifestyle,” we probably couldn’t hang out), we’re endangering ourselves by shrinking our pool of future elites, our engineers and political leaders. I fear we may someday look back on this as a grave a mistake the likes of Ferdinand and Isabella’s expulsion of Spain’s Jews in 1492.