Goth Sean Penn has *The Cure* for Nazis

(*graciously accepts Oscar for ‘Lamest Pun Headline’*) Oh thank you, thank you, no, no, please, you’re too kind. Anyway, as you may have guessed, this is the first official trailer for This Must Be the Place, starring Sean Penn as an aging, Robert Smith-esque rock star who sets out to find the Nazi who tortured his father. It looks eerily similar to Frotcast Brendan’s idea for a film about a superhero who just goes around to nursing homes smothering super-old Nazis with a pillow. Only in Penn’s case in this movie, I’m assuming he plans to just talk to them in that creepy baby voice until they blow their brains out.

Paul Rudd set to star in an Errol Morris film based on an Ira Glass story. The beloved actor joins the acclaimed documentarian for a narrative feature about TV repairman and cryonics pioneer Robert Nelson, based on a segment from Glass’s This American Life called You’re As Cold As Ice. Rudd. Morris. Glass. Together. Quick, someone find some vegan, non-soy smelling salts, I think Zooey Deschanel just fainted into her iced Chai. Dammit, the cardamom is hell on a ukulele finish. |/Film|

Dark Knight writer David Goyer to write Godzilla reboot. The Legendary Pictures project is set to be directed by Monsters director Gareth Edwards, and I’m sure it will be really good, not like all those other times Hollywood tried to make a Godzilla movie every five years.  |ScreenJunkies|

Finally, and this is neither here nor there, but an Austrian Atheist was allowed to wear a colander on his head in his driver’s license photo, after he claimed the “religious headgear” was an important tenet of his religion, “Pastafarianism.” Actual BBC page description: “Austria embraces pasta headgear.” |BBC|