The 20 Most Important GIFs Of 2011

Just to be clear, by “most important” I clearly mean “most important to UPROXX.” And even then I’m really just referring to the ones I think were the most important. So…PURELY SUBJECTIVE.

If 2011 has been “The Year of Swanson” then “The Year of the Animated GIF” was a close runner up. Thanks to things like increased server capacity, the advent of Tumblr, and advancement in technology, there’s a whole army of GIF-makers out there now just waiting to GIF the sh*t out of their favorite shows, movies, and pop culture moments seconds after they become available. So yeah, the medium is only going to become more prevalent.

We utilize GIFs way too much around these parts for this list to be considered remotely comprehensive, but here are the ones that meant the most to me, off the top of my head, right this second. For example, “Don’t F*ck with the Jesus During the Last Supper.” We came across it a week or so ago and Cajun Boy and I raced to see who could work it into a post faster. So it’s on my mind due to recency. And because it belongs in a museum. Here, for your pleasure, are 19 more…

Flying Scotsman reminded us that psychedelics are readily available in Scotland with this “never unsee” GIF creation.


Never gets less brilliant.


This masterpiece is both a 2011 Ron Swanson Tribute AND a Droste Effect GIF, so of course this is like the tenth time we’ve posted it.


Funny or Die brought the funny and the die with this one shortly after the tragic Kardashian-Humphries break up.


Immortalizing the time Tom Haverford videobombed the first “Watch the Throne” video.

Cat spellbound by automobile travel got the very necessary GIF treatment from Pleated Jeans. Let’s hope he’s fully recovered by now.


This GIF from 2011’s “Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking” gained even greater meaning when the future of the internet’s favorite show became uncertain.


Photoshops made up most of the Pepper Spray Cop meme but this GIF really upped the ante.


Retirees totally get the internet.

Despite the misspelling of “diabeetus” this GIF from the Always Sunny premiere sums up the awesomeness that was Season 7 and Fat Mac.

One of many moving tributes to the late Steve Jobs.


Every AD geek’s reaction to the big news summed up here.

A most fitting tribute to the Twitter earthquake reaction made possible by the power of the GIF.


I fell in love with cinemagraphs in 2011 and this is possibly the most haunting haunting movie cinemagraph by IWDRM.


It could have only been more satisfying if David Caruso had pulled the trigger.

Ms. Kunis overtook the #1, #1 spot on many a man’s list in 2011 thanks to media like this.

Everyone’s favorite Game of Thrones scene was practically begging for the GIF treatment.

I’d make the argument this is the exact moment when the internet went fully in the tank for Ron F*cking Swanson.

It’s impossible to pick just one. That’s why we have Warming Glow. Thank you, Alison. 2011 would have been a much different place without your GIF-able moments.