Rejected Doritos Super Bowl Ad Is Already The Best Super Bowl Ad

For as long as I can remember Doritos has sponsored a fan made commercial contest for the Super Bowl. And also for as long as I can remember the resulting videos have been quirky, offbeat, and far superior to anything an advertising company would have come up with. The whole thing is simultaneously a winning marketing gimmick and a pretty awesome way for talented — yet unknown — filmmakers to get their names out there. Kind of like Affleck and Damon’s Project Greenlight, except with more cool ranch.

Yesterday Redditor lpinchet shared the above “rejected” Doritos Super Bowl commercial for a friend because it’s hilarious. He/she was of course immediately branded an online marketer by Reddit commenters because that’s what Reddit commenters do, but the video has been buzzing anyway because it’s thirty seconds long and f’n brilliant. Moral of the story: give it a watch. And then go gorge yourself on delicious Doritos goodness. Or something like that. Seriously Reddit commenters, you guys would try and ruin a Kate Upton photoshoot.

Update: Per Twitter @s the submission was in fact rejected. In protest I will never eat Salsa Verde flavor again (because they suck).