MPAA Throws Hissy Fit Over ‘Arts Technica’

We’re big fans of Ars Technica around here: they offer intelligent, detailed coverage of tech issues, including the ongoing problems with the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), or as we like to call it, the complete and total failure to grasp the concept of the Internet.

Anyway, the MPAA, which of course has never lied pursuing the right to shut down any website it wants with no due process or appeal, is now upset that “Arts Technica” doesn’t want it to be able to do whatever it wants, whenever it wants:

Julian Sanchez, a research fellow at CATO and former Washington editor for Arts Technica, a tech blog with a long history of challenging efforts to curb content theft, recently wrote a post on Cato@Liberty, which once again offers tired arguments about why the theft of intellectual property is not such a bad thing.

The MPAA has since edited the “Arts”/”Ars” typo. Of course, they didn’t fix the rest of the entry, which has a few errors and naturally, they have refused to address, say, the fact that they’ve been caught multiple times inflating numbers, or the fact that they often refuse to explain how they determined what piracy is happening or how they counteract it, all while apparently failing to realize their own industry are a bunch of filthy pirates.

Oh, and it’s Uproxx with two “x”‘s, guys.

[ image courtesy Shira Golding on Flickr ]