Yeah, That SOPA Blackout Was MILDLY Effective

What is it that they say about a picture being worth a thousand words?

Reports Pro Publica:

Before Wednesday, Sen. Jerry Moran and Rep. Ben Quayle were the only co-sponsors to have withdrawn their support of either SOPA or PIPA (Quayle did so without announcement just the day before). By the end of the Wednesday, at least six other co-sponsors had announced they had withdrawn their support. In total, at least 70 additional members of Congress voiced strong opposition to SOPA or PIPA.

Besides those 70, there were 41 additional politicians who we’ve categorized as “leaning no.” That is, they’ve spoken strongly against the bills as they are currently written, but leave open the possibility that they may support the bills after they’ve been amended. (To see a full tally of positions, visit our separate pages dedicated to SOPA and PIPA.)

How many politicians announced they would be co-sponsoring or otherwise outright supporting SOPA/PIPA on Wednesday?

By our count: Zero.

Once again — well done, Internet.

(Graphic: Pro Publica via Newsweek’s Tumblr)