New trailer for Aventures of Tintin, that *other* Spielberg movie

Steven Spielberg slaps his name on a lot of random crap like Transformers and Cowboys and Aliens and Real Steel, but when it comes to movies he’s actually directed, there hasn’t been one since Indy 4 in 2008. This December, there will be two in the space of four days, with The Adventures of Tintin opening on the 21st and War Horse four days later. I’ll probably just pack some handi-snaks and watch this over and over until War Horse comes on.

You already know my stance on motion-capture, but the footage I’ve seen from this actually looked pretty good. I saw about five minutes at Comic-Con, where Spielberg showed up to accept the Steven Spielberg Memorial Deigning to Show Up to Comic-Con Award. He was all “I’m honored to receive this award, but the real winners are you guys the fans. Hey, remember Raiders of the Lost Ark? Pander pander pander pander.” I’m telling you, the guy’s a real pander-bear. Probably why he’s so asexual.

I’m still more excited for Martin Scorsese’s 3D kids’ movie, but this at least looks a lot more promising than War Horse. It had Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish (of Attack the Block) working on the script, and Attack the Block was a better Spielberg movie than any of Spielberg’s movies, so who knows.