Cameron Diaz Is Still Pouring On The Crazy In The New ‘Annie’ Trailer

Nothing has really changed in the new trailer for the remake of the classic story Annie, as Jamie Foxx is still the big city billionaire who doesn’t know he has a heart of gold, Cameron Diaz is still the mean lady with intense “I WILL F*CKING KILL YOU” eyes, and Quvenzhané Wallis is still the most adorable young actress on the face of the planet. Except this time we learn that Annie has a diabolical scheme in the works, as she’s going to make Will Stacks realize that he’s actually a nice man, so he’ll let her stay in his giant New York City penthouse forever. That way, when they drive by her old foster home, she can just laugh as the other kids try to get her attention, but they can’t see her middle fingers through the limo tint.