Someone Finally Said Bring It On To Directing ‘Ant-Man’

Maybe Peyton Reed should stop taking advice from his own movies. After Edgar Wright, Adam McKay, and Rawson Marshall Thurber all replied thanks but no thanks to Marvel’s Ant-Man, the director of Bring It On and the Jim Carrey far(t)ce, Yes Man, said, well, exactly that.

When Marvel’s Ant-Man hits theaters July 17, 2015, director Peyton Reed will help shepherd the hero into the Marvel Cinematic Universe with a cast led by Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas, with writer Adam McKay contributing to the film’s script. (Via)

Compared to what I imagine Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man would look like, Peyton Reed’s Ant-Man is probably going to be safe and boring, unless he does two things: 1) fill the cast with Mr. Show and The Weird Al Show alumni (he directed episodes of both), and 2) make sure there’s at least one extended car wash scene.

Via Marvel