Frotcast 207: Rob Riggle, ‘PCU,’ And ‘Dumb And Dumber To’

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Comedian David Gborie joins Brendan and Vince in the Frotquarters this week to discuss the 1994 psuedo-classic PCU. Not a good movie, but as a UCSD grad I appreciate the rare college movie that posits that some parts of college kind of suck. A few additional facts:

  • PCU was directed by Hart Bochner, aka Harry Ellis from Die Hard (Hans! Bubbie!).
  • It came out 20 years ago and Jeremy Piven magically has more hair now than he did then.

Other topics include the Dumb and Dumber To trailer, and the drone kid and his indiegogo lawsuit campaign. Also, you can hear my Rob Riggle interview.

We open the ‘cast talking about Dumb and Dumber To on suggestion from a listener voicemail. We talk about that, and weird nostalgia pimping in general. After that, there’s my Rob Riggle Interview. We come back around the 26 min mark talking about improv vs. stand up, and how us stand ups always hate improv people because they seem like such well-adjusted non losers who actually hang out with girls (buncha assholes, right?). Then we talk about “dealbreaker movies” (movie opinions you couldn’t tolerate in a significant other), then the 1994 non-classic ‘PCU’, and finish off talking about the drone kid who got in a fight with a lady on the beach. “STOP ASSAULTING ME ASSWIPE!”

Video of the week:

It’s so perfect.

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