The ’22 Jump Street’ ‘Stand-Ins’ Trailer Is Pretty Great

22 Jump Street is the most self-aware comedy perhaps ever, and directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller continue their epic hot streak as it posted $25 million on Friday, on pace for the second biggest opening ever for an R-rated comedy – beating How To Train Your Dragon 2 on fewer screens, and without the benefit of family audiences. In keeping with the fourth wall-breaking theme, Sony recently released this trailer for the film, which is exactly the same as the official trailer, but for one difference: it stars the actors’ stand-ins. It’s a pretty fantastic idea, and it fits the movie perfectly. I’m not saying 22 Jump Street is an amazing movie or even that it should’ve been made, but it’s pretty fun watching Lord and Miller do the filmmaking equivalent of drawing dicks on their homework assignment. You should probably flunk them, but the detail work on those dicks is really extraordinary.